A sacred and powerful healing tradition rich with vital life force.
Placenta encapsulation has been practiced in numerous cultures around the world for hundreds of years. The placenta is considered a sacred and powerful healer full of vital life force.
What are the benefits of encapsulation?
The benefits of placenta encapsulation are abounding. Some of these benefits can include:
Warding Off Postpartum Depression
Assisting with Milk Production
Replenishing Iron Lost During Birth
Helping Uterus to Shrink
Balancing Hormones
Increasing Postpartum Energy Levels
Speeding Up Overall Recovery Time
Encapsulation Methods
You have the option to choose which method you prefer your placenta be encapsulated using. There are two method's to pick from:
Traditional Chinese Method (TCM): The placenta is first steamed with a variety of organic citrus, herbs, and hot peppers before being dried, ground, and encapsulated. This method produces a smoother, milder capsule because the overall hormone content of the placenta is lowered through higher temperatures during the steaming process.
Raw Method: The placenta is completely dried at a low, slow temperature over time, ground into a powder, and put into capsules. This makes for the most potent and highest quality of capsules available. This method is ideal for those with a history of postpartum mood disorders.
Placenta Encapsulation Services
$220 Summer Sale: $199
6-Weeks of Placenta Capsules
3 Placenta Prints
Umbilical Cord Keepsake
Pick Up and Drop Off Services Included​ For Free Inside Knox & Anderson County